Ice Cream and the Oscars

I enjoy watching the Oscars but I enjoy the red carpet even more.

Seeing all the stars glammed up in gorgeous gowns and making comments on them is one of my favorite things to do.

When you’re camped out in front of the t.v. you need some good food. I have no idea why but Chinese takeout seems to be the perfect dinner for watching the Oscars red carpet in my yoga pants and sweatshirt under a blanket on the couch. Yes, I’m super glamourous.

So I had my chicken and broccoli and rice and ended up with a sweat treat for dessert. Black Cherry ice cream topped with Easter Bunny m&m’s. A delicious way to start off the actual Oscars ceremony.

If I had some more motivation, I could have made desserts themed for the Academy Awards but I’m pretty sure nothing could have topped this ice cream combo.


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Welcome to FoodNook!

Hi! I'm Kristina and a college student who loves food, eating, fitness, and variety of other fun things! I have a combined love of food and fitness and trying to balance it all into my busy life. FoodNook is my way of documenting my experiences and adventures in navigating healthy living on my own and trying out new things.