Running in the Rain

Just a quick post before I’m off for a busy day!

Last night I was so exhausted that I called it a night a little earlier than I should have. I had some studying that was calling my name but figured it could wait.

Apparently this was a good decision, because this morning I woke up before the early alarm I set and was ready to go for a run despite the drizzle outside. Usually I try to avoid running in the rain, especially when it’s a little chilly but decided to (wo)man up this morning and just do it.

It was worth it. Even though the first .75 miles my hands were freezing and the last half mile I was soaked (just from all the consistency of rain- it wasn’t pouring but raining steadily), it felt good to stretch my legs and be ready to go for the day.

Nice warm oatmeal makes it worth it too.

I’m running a 5k on Saturday so wanted to make sure I got a few runs in this week just to keep my legs active.

Do ever run in the rain or call it a no go?

Have a great day!

Little victories

This morning, or last night rather, I set my alarm for much earlier than I needed to get up in order to have plenty of time to go for a run and get ready for class/eat breakfast/do a little studying. I enjoy my morning time so waking up a little earlier than usual to get that me time was fine.

I actually woke up before my alarm and dragged myself out of bed. After a glass of water to flush out my morning breath (aren’t you glad I shared ;)) and a couple of dried apricots as fuel, I headed out into the cool crisp morning.

I wasn’t dreading or particularly craving to run either but decided I should push myself since I’ve been using the Nike Fitness App and can really get a feel for my runs. About a quarter in, I was feeling a little drained but decided to keep going and keep pushing. When I reached my turning around point, I felt good but also a little winded.

My run back was tough though and there were a couple of places I walked a little to catch my breath and regain my composure. I was NOT looking forward to checking my time or final pace when I got back to my house. The last half mile I just ran it out at what I thought was a decent pace, not too fast but not easy either.

At the completion of my run, I was shocked. I did 9 min/mile which is about average for me but I knew that I was running at  a much faster pace the first half of my run than my second especially with my walking breaks so no wonder I felt dead. Because I was expecting much worse, I felt a little victory for the day.
It reinforces that the toughest things can sometimes result in personal accomplishments.

Have a fantastic day!

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Welcome to FoodNook!

Hi! I'm Kristina and a college student who loves food, eating, fitness, and variety of other fun things! I have a combined love of food and fitness and trying to balance it all into my busy life. FoodNook is my way of documenting my experiences and adventures in navigating healthy living on my own and trying out new things.