WIAW:After Thanksgiving

Happy Wednesday!

I ate tons over the Thanksgiving holiday so knew I needed to scale it back and eat plenty of healthful foods this week.

Head over to peas and crayons to see more WIAW posts!

My eats are from Monday as usual so here we go! (Side note: My computer is having uploading pictures at the moment so I have one recycled photo and no new ones-sorry!)

Breakfast was half an orange before yoga followed by some almond butter oatmeal after. This was so filling and a great way to get back on track.

Lunch was a hodge podge of foods but included carrots, celery with laughing cow cheese and a greek yogurt. I finished it off with some glazed walnuts.

My evening ended up being go-go-go between class and tutoring so dinner was a quick toasted turkey sandwich, apples, and mushrooms. I took a baggie of craisins to class with me to nosh on and followed class with a serving of Christmas goldfish!

I tried to balance good for you foods with plenty of benefits with some treats (like the goldfish and glaze on the walnuts) so I wasn’t depriving myself but also wanted to revive my appetite from all the sweets and carb I consumed this weekend.

Happy WIAW! What are you eating?

10K Gobbler’s Gallop

So I realize I’m a little late in recapping my Thanksgiving day race but I still wanted to share it with you all!

Earlier in the fall, I had been looking into different Turkey trots near the area but was intrigued by doing a 10k instead of a 5k. I enjoy running long distances and figured what better time than on Thanksgiving! Tons of food to refuel on.

I was actually feeling really good with my distances until I gave blood but that’s a different story. By Monday of last week, I was starting to feel a little better when running and figured I’d rest on Wednesday to try and be my best for Thursday.

I was running with my dad and brother so we woke up, drove to the race, (saw this beautiful sunrise), and were super early. I was okay with that because we had plenty of time to get our race bibs and warm up a little.

The race started around 9 so shortly before we made our way to the starting line. I was feeling a little nervous but had already “had a talk” with myself that it was okay if I needed to walk or slow down or just take it easy. My body wasn’t itself so there was nothing I could do about it and I didn’t want to push myself beyond my limits.

So when I started, I was just lightly jogging. It seemed like it took forever to get to mile 1 but once I was there I felt accomplished. The 2nd mile flew by. The 3rd and 4th were pretty rough and I think the only thing that got me through were the runners nearby. They weren’t doing anything in particular but their casual conversation (one was a man running to encourage his friend) helped me push through. 5 and 6 were bad but mainly because I knew I was almost there.

I think the best thing about this race was the scenery. Few cars were on the road and the morning was sunny but just hazy enough. We ran past fields, some creeks, and plenty of wooded areas. It was just beautiful. And that was enough to be thankful for.

Once done, I found my dad and brother- both speedsters, and we headed back to our car and drove home.

It ended up being a really fun race and a wonderful way to start the holiday. I enjoy themed races like this because it’s an ‘extra’ reason to run.

Have a great day!

Break by Iphone

presents for myself

Thanksgiving sunrises


How was your Thanksgiving?

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Welcome to FoodNook!

Hi! I'm Kristina and a college student who loves food, eating, fitness, and variety of other fun things! I have a combined love of food and fitness and trying to balance it all into my busy life. FoodNook is my way of documenting my experiences and adventures in navigating healthy living on my own and trying out new things.